Crusaders (BD en 5 tomes) | Crusaders (5-volume comic book) | Christophe Bec | SF and fantasy | 2024 |
Le Changement climatique expliqué à ma fille | Climate Change explained to my daughter | Jean-Marc Jancovici | Science | 2024 |
ILLIBÉRALISME ET REPLI IDENTITAIRE EN EUROPE CENTRALE. Un défi pour l'Union européenne | ILLIBERALISM AND IDENTITY WITHDRAWAL IN CENTRAL EUROPE. A challenge for the European Union | Geneviève Duché | Sociology | 2023 |
L'événement | The event | Annie Ernaux | Autobiography | 2023 |
La place | The place | Annie Ernaux | Autobiography | 2023 |
Déviriliser le monde | Devirilize the world | Céline Piques | Feminism | 2023 |
Carbone et Silicium | Carbon and Silicon | Mathieu Bablet | SF and fantasy | 2023 |
L’entraide, l’autre loi de la jungle | Mutual aid, the other law of the jungle | Pablo Servigne and Gauthier Chapelle | Sociology | 2022 |
La Vérité sur 'Dix petits nègres' ('Ils étaient dix') | The Truth About 'And Then There Were None' | Pierre Bayard | Literary criticism | 2022 |
L'enfer des passes. Mon expérience de la prostitution. | Paid For: My Journey through Prostitution. | Rachel Moran | Autobiography | 2022 |
Une farouche liberté | A fierce freedom | Gisèle Halimi avec Annick Cojean | Feminism | 2021 |
Le Sel de la vie | The Salt of Life | Françoise Héritier | Autobiography | 2021 |
Au comptoir des philosophes. Les grandes citations revues et corrigées. | At the counter of the philosophers. Large citations reviewed and corrected. | François Morel avec Victorine de Oliveira | Philosophy | 2021 |
Descartes pour les jours de doute | Descartes for days of doubt | Marie Robert | Philosophy | 2021 |
L'art d'aider | The art of helping | Robert R. Carkhuff | Social psychology | 2020 |
Brèves réponses aux grandes questions | Brief Answers to the Big Questions | Stephen Hawking | Science | 2020 |
Ne vous résignez jamais. Comment devient-on féministe ? | Do never resign. How do we become a feminist? | Gisèle Halimi | Feminism | 2020 |
Le Genre de l'Ecole en France. De la mixité à l'inégalité occultée. Expérimentations et propositions de transformations | The genre at school in France. From the mixity to the hidden inequality. Experiments and proposals of transformations | Jacques Gleyse | Sociology | 2019 |
Et si le féminisme nous rendait heureuses ? | And if feminism made us happy? | Pauline Arrighi | Feminism | 2019 |
Le besoin de l'impossible. Impasses collectives et promesses d'avenir. | The need of impossible. Collective impasses and promises for the future. | Patrick Lynes | Social psychology | 2019 |
Le théorème du parapluie | The theorem of the umbrella | Mickaël Launay | Mathematics | 2019 |
L'Univers expliqué à mes petits-enfants | Universe explained to my grandchildren | Hubert Reeves | Cosmology | 2019 |
Le Petit Prince | The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | Philosophical tail | 2019 |
L'humanité en péril. Virons de bord, toute ! | Humanity in danger. Engage! | Fred Vargas | Collapsology | 2019 |
Prenez le temps d'e-penser. Tome II. | Take the time to e-think. Volume II | Bruce Benamran | Science | 2018 |
Prenez le temps d'e-penser. Tome I | Take the time to e-think. Volume I | Bruce Benamran | Science | 2018 |
Chroniques d'une onde de choc. #MeToo secoue la planète. | Chronicles of a shock wave. #MeToo shakes the planet. | Annette Lévy-Willard | Feminism | 2018 |
Mal de Terre | Earth disease | Hubert Reeves | Collapsology | 2018 |
Mais qui a attrapé le bison de Higgs ? | But who caught the bison of Higgs? | David Louapre | Science | 2017 |
Le grand roman des maths. De la préhistoire à nos jours. | The great novel of maths. From prehistory to the present. | Mickaël Launay | Mathematics | 2017 |
Non au système prostitutionnel | No to the prostitutional system | Geneviève Duché | Feminism | 2016 |
101 curiosités scientifiques cocasses et stupéfiantes pour avoir quelque chose à raconter en toutes circonstances | 101 funny and amazing scientific curiosities to have something to say in all circumstances | Bruno Léandri | Science | 2016 |
100 analogies étonnantes pour comprendre les grandes théories scientifiques | 100 amazing analogies to understand the great scientific theories | Joël Lévy | Science | 2016 |
La dimension cachée | The Hidden Dimension | Edward T. Hall | Science | 2016 |
Vivre. La psychologie du bonheur | Flow: The psychology of optimal experience | Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi | Psychology | 2016 |
Cultiver l'intelligence relationnelle | Social intelligence | Daniel Goleman | Psychology | 2016 |
Le développement de la personne | On becoming a person (VO title) | Carl Ransom Rogers | Psychology | 2015 |
La Force des émotions : amour, colère, joie | Force of emotions: love, anger, joy | François Lelord, Christophe André | Psychology | 2015 |
L'erreur de Descartes : la raison des émotions | Descartes' Error: the reason of emotions | Antonio R. Damasio | Psychology | 2015 |
Etoiles d'encre - 47/48 - Féminin Masculin - Carte blanche à Françoise Mariotti | Etoiles d'encre - 47/48 - Female Male - White card to Françoise Mariotti | Françoise Mariotti | Autobiography | 2015 |
La dernière leçon | Tuesdays With Morrie | Mitch Alborn | Philosophy | 2014 |
Le règne des femmes | The reign of women | Paula Dumont | Philosophical tail | 2014 |
Lettre à une amie hétéro, propos sur l'homophobie ordinaire | Letter to a hetero friend, about the ordinary homophobia | Paula Dumont | Social psychology | 2014 |
Portée disparue, Aller simple pour Alzheimer | Missing, A single to Alzheimer | Paula Dumont | Autobiography | 2014 |
La vie dure, Education sentimentale d'une lesbienne | Hard life, Sentimental Education of a lesbian | Paula Dumont | Autobiography | 2014 |
Mauvais genre, Parcours d'une homosexuelle | Bad genre, Course of a homosexual | Paula Dumont | Autobiography | 2014 |
Le sentiment d'impuissance | Powerlessness feeling | Corinne Van Loey | Psychology | 2014 |
Je pense trop | I think too much | Christel Petitcollin | Psychology | 2014 |
Le Voile noir | The black Veil | Anny Duperey | Autobiography | 2014 |
Le livre du voyage | The book of the journey | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2013 |
Que se passe-t-il en moi ? Mieux vivre ses émotions au quotidien | What's happening in me? Better living emotions daily | Isabelle Filliozat | Psychology | 2013 |
Petit traité de conflits ordinaires | Small treatise on ordinary conflicts | Dominique Picard, Edmond Marc | Psychology | 2013 |
La chimie de nos émotions | The Chemistry of our Emotions | Sébastien Bohler, Véronique Durruty | Psychology | 2013 |
La sagesse de nos colères, de la colère qui détruit à la colère qui construit | The Wisdom of our Angers, from the Anger which Destroys to the Anger which Builds | Marc Pistorio | Psychology | 2013 |
L'empathie au coeur du jeu social | Empathy in the Heart of the Social Game | Serge Tisseron | Psychology | 2013 |
Apprenez à écouter | Learn to Listen | Christel Petitcollin | Psychology | 2013 |
Le murmure des fantômes | The Whisper of Ghosts | Boris Cyrulnik | Psychology | 2012 |
Aïe, mes aïeux | Ouch, my Ancestors | Anne Ancelin Schützenberger | Psychology | 2012 |
Embrasser le ciel immense | Embrace the Immense Sky | Daniel Tammet | Psychology | 2012 |
La physique par les objets quotidiens | Physics by Quotidian Objects | Cédric Ray, Jean-Claude Poizat | Physics | 2010 |
La valeur de la science | The Value of Science | Henri Poincaré | Science | 2009 |
La science et l'hypothèse | Science and the Hypothesis | Henri Poincaré | Science | 2009 |
Le pourquoi du comment 2 | Why and How | Daniel Lacotte | Science | 2008 |
L'homme qui voulait être heureux | The Man who wanted be Happy | Laurent Gounelle | Philosophy | 2008 |
Le Mystère des dieux | The Mystery of the Gods | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2007 |
Le Papillon des étoiles | The Butterfly of Stars | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2007 |
Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (VF) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2007 |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (VO) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2007 |
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (VO) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2007 |
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (VO) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2007 |
Le pourquoi du comment | Why and How 2 | Daniel Lacotte | Science | 2007 |
Le Souffle des dieux | The Breath of the Gods | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2005 |
Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (VF) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2005 |
Harry Potter et l'Ordre du Phénix | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (VF) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2005 |
Nous les dieux | We the Gods | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2004 |
Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (VF) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2004 |
Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (VF) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2004 |
Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (VF) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2004 |
Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (VF) | J. K. Rowling | SF and fantasy | 2003 |
L'Empire des Anges | The Empire of the Angels | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2003 |
Les Thanatonautes | The Thanatonauts | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2003 |
L'Arbre des Possibles | The Tree of Possibilities | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2003 |
L'encyclopédie du savoir relatif et absolu | The Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2003 |
Datavision | Datavision | David McCandless | Science | 2003 |
Dernières nouvelles du cosmos | Latest News from the Cosmos | Hubert Reeves | Cosmology | 2003 |
Minority report | Minority Report | Philip K. Dick | SF and fantasy | 2002 |
L'Ultime Secret | The Ultimate Secret | Bernard Werber | SF and fantasy | 2002 |
L'encyclopédie des mathématiques | The Encyclopedia of Mathematics | Danielle Fèvre | Mathematics | 2000 |
Mémoires d'Hadrien | Memoirs of Hadrian | Marguerite Yourcenar | Novel | 1997 |
Les Mots | The Words | Jean-Paul Sartre | Autobiography | 1997 |
Les Confessions | Confessions | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Autobiography | 1997 |
La Mystérieuse Affaire de Styles | The Mysterious Affair at Styles | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Crime du golf | Murder on the Links | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Les Enquêtes d'Hercule Poirot | Poirot Investigates | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Les Quatre | The Big Four | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Train bleu | The Mystery of the Blue Train | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La Maison du péril | Peril at End House | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Couteau sur la nuque | Lord Edgware Dies | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Drame en trois actes | Three-Act Tragedy | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La Mort dans les nuages | Death in the Clouds | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
A.B.C. contre Poirot | The ABC Murders | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Cartes sur table | Cards on the Table | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Meurtre en Mésopotamie | Murder in Mesopotamia | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Mort sur le Nil | Death on the Nile | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Témoin muet | Dumb Witness | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Miroir du mort | Dead Man's Mirror | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Rendez-vous avec la mort | Appointment with Death | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Noël d'Hercule Poirot | Hercule Poirot's Christmas | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Je ne suis pas coupable | Sad Cypress | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Un, deux, trois? | One, Two, Buckle My Shoe | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Les Vacances d'Hercule Poirot | Evil under the Sun | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Cinq petits cochons | Five Little Pigs | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Vallon | The Hollow | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Les Travaux d'Hercule | The Labours of Hercules | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Flux et le Reflux | Taken at the Flood | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Mrs McGinty est morte | Mrs McGinty's Dead | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Les Indiscrétions d'Hercule Poirot | After the Funeral | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Pension Vanilos | Hickory, Dickory, Dock | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Poirot joue le jeu | Dead Man's Folly | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Chat et les Pigeons | Cat Among the Pigeons | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Christmas Pudding | Pudding and Other Stories | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Les Pendules | The Clocks | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La Troisième Fille | Third Girl | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Crime d'Halloween | Hallowe'en Party | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Témoin à charge | Témoin à charge (only into French published) | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Une mémoire d'éléphant | Elephants Can Remember | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Hercule Poirot quitte la scène | Curtain:Poirot's Last Case | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Bal de la victoire | Poirot's Early Cases | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Mr Brown | The Secret Adversary | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le crime est notre affaire | Partners in Crime | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
N ou M ? | N or M? | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Mon petit doigt m'a dit | By the Pricking of my Thumb | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Cheval à bascule | Postern of Fate | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
L'Affaire Protheroe | The Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Miss Marple au Club du Mardi | The Thirteen Problems | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Un cadavre dans la bibliothèque | The Body in the Library | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La Plume empoisonnée | The Moving Finger | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Un meurtre sera commis le... | A Murder is Announced | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Jeux de glaces | They do it with Mirrors | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Une poignée de seigle | A Pocket full of Rye | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Train de 16 h 50 | 4:50 from Paddington | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le miroir se brisa | The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le major parlait trop | The Caribbean Mystery | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
À l'hôtel Bertram | At Bertram's Hotel | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Némésis | Nemesis | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La Dernière Énigme | Sleeping Murder | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Marple, Poirot, Pyne et les autres | Marple, Poirot, Pyne et les autres (only into French published) | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
L'Homme au complet marron | The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Secret de Chimneys | The Secret of Chimneys | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Les Sept Cadrans | The Seven Dials Mystery | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Cinq heures vingt-cinq | The Sittaford Mystery | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Pourquoi pas Evans ? | Why didn't they ask Evans? | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Un meurtre est-il facile ? | Murder is Easy | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
L'Heure zéro | Towards Zero | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La mort n'est pas une fin | Death comes as the End | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Meurtre au champagne | Sparkling Cyanide | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La Maison biscornue | Crooked House | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Rendez-vous à Bagdad | They came to Baghdad | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Destination inconnue | Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Témoin indésirable | Ordeal by Innocence | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Cheval pâle | The Pale Horse | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
La Nuit qui ne finit pas | Endless Night | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Passager pour Francfort | Passenger to Frankfurt | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Mystérieux Mr Quinn | The Mysterious Mr Quin | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Mystère de Listerdale | The Listerdale Mystery and Other Stories | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Mr Parker Pyne | Parker Pyne investigates | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Allô, Hercule Poirot | Allô, Hercule Poirot (only into French published) | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Le Flambeau | Le Flambeau (only into French published) | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1996 |
Regain | Regain | Jean Giono | Novel | 1995 |
Lorenzaccio | Alfred de Musset | Drama | 1995 | |
Le Père Goriot | Pere Goriot | Honoré de Balzac | Novel | 1994 |
Le Colonel Chabert | Colonel Chabert | Honoré de Balzac | Novel | 1994 |
Dix petits nègres | Ten Little Niggers | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1994 |
Le Crime de l'Orient-Express | Murder on the Orient-Express | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1994 |
Le Meurtre de Roger Ackroyd | The Murder of Roger Ackroyd | Agatha Christie | Thriller and crime | 1993 |
Le Chien des Baskerville | The Hound of the Baskervilles | Arthur Conan Doyle | Thriller and crime | 1993 |
Une étude en rouge | A Study in Scarlet | Arthur Conan Doyle | Thriller and crime | 1993 |
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo | The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexandre Dumas | Novel | 1993 |
Le Capitaine Fracasse | Captain Fracasse | Théophile Gauthier | Novel | 1993 |
Dom Juan | Dom Juan | Molière | Drama | 1993 |
Michel Strogoff | Michel Strogoff | Jules Verne | SF and fantasy | 1992 |
Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours | Around the World in Eighty Days | Jules Verne | SF and fantasy | 1992 |
L'île mystérieuse | The Mysterious Island | Jules Verne | SF and fantasy | 1992 |
Vingt mille lieues sous les mers | Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea | Jules Verne | SF and fantasy | 1992 |
La Machine infernale | The Infernal Machine | Jean Cocteau | Drama | 1992 |
Cyrano de Bergerac | Cyrano de Bergerac | Edmond Rostand | Drama | 1992 |
Carmen | Carmen | Prosper Mérimée | Short story | 1992 |
Le Passe-muraille | The passer-through-walls | Marcel Aymé | Short story | 1992 |
Andromaque | Andromaque | Jean Racine | Drama | 1992 |
Le Cid | The Cid | Pierre Corneille | Drama | 1992 |
La Peur et autres contes fantastiques | Fear and other fantastic tales | Guy de Maupassant | Short story | 1992 |
Le pays de l'or brûlant | The Country of Burning Gold | Ronimund Hubert Von Bissing | Novel for children | 1992 |
Les essais (extraits) | Essays (parts) | Montaigne | Essay | 1992 |
Mémoires du SS Pery Broad | KL Auschwitz seen by the SS | Pery Broad | Autobiography | 1991 |
Les Voyages de Gulliver | Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift | SF and fantasy | 1991 |
L'Iliade | Iliad | Homère | Epic | 1991 |
L'Odyssée | Odyssey | Homère | Epic | 1990 |
La Gloire de mon père | My Father's Glory | Marcel Pagnol | Autobiography | 1990 |
Mon ami Frédéric | Friedrich | Hans Peter Richter | Roman | 1990 |
Un bon petit diable | A Good Little Devil | Comtesse de Ségur | Novel for children | 1989 |