Happy New Year 2025!
Happy New Year 2025!
Happy New Year 2025!


Cosmic cliffs, glittering landscape
of star birth in the Carina Nebula


Happy New Year 2025!

This annual tradition of wishes and other resolutions, decried because of so much global damage (catastrophes and crimes experienced), can be difficult to accomplish or carried out without having the heart to do so.

Le 1er janvier 1945 à Hiroshima, les gens s’étaient souhaité une bonne et heureuse année.

A personal translation

On January 1, 1945, people in Hiroshima wished each other a Happy New Year.

Philippe Geluck
Source : https://www.google.com/search?q=voeux+bonne+année+hiroshima+geluck

Personally, I try it, as I can and feel it. I also take the opportunity to question with rest or to rest with question and take the time to look at what happened in the previous 365 days. So, what are the news?

I note an essential ingredient: good health to be able to live and shine in one’s own way… or not. This is the first obvious wish. I add additional wishes with this sentence: “All the Best for the New Year”. It remains then just to know for each of us what we put in the fullness “all”. Do we necessarily know what is good or the best for us? Can we really know? Mischievous smile.

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji nowego roku!

A Polish formula for expressing wishes for the New Year.
Literal translation into English: “All the Best on the occasion of the New Year.”
Source : https://www.google.com/search?q=wszystkiego+najlepszego+z+okazji+nowego+roku

At a time when fog and confusion seem to cloud the present, the future may seem very uncertain and even threatening for many people. Indeed, the arbitration of elections in our democracies which resembles (too much?) the arbitrariness of the power of a balance of power leading to oppression, this is not at all reassuring for a peaceful living together. So, the power to build reinsurance, confidence, to illuminate the tortuous and obscure paths and to be able to move forward with a reassured and appeased heart, with a good dose of hope. More than ever, empathy is an essential element to achieve this. This is my wish for this year 2025.

This year, I chose as the featured image for this post a photo of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the Carina Nebula, which illustrates a French book I am reading called A l’aube de nouveaux horizons by Nathalie A. Cabrol. A photograph with lights from the past… to illuminate our future? Books to clarify our daily lives and be able to build our world of tomorrow?

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