The main emotion that expresses itself is joy… to create. I share my personal translated version in English:
Welcome, Stranger!
Welcome, Stranger; here you come to look
At these few photos, that I carefully selected.
My sensitivity, my powerful feeling
Were very precious in order to guide me.Nature offers such on our Earth,
She seems to talk from her heart, as a Mother.
Man! Did you spend time to break away?
Your look seemed dark, your eyelids closed.Mankind leaves a trace, Beauty printed in,
We share her works, Magic expressed out.
The Artist shot… Our eye, our heart are affected.Light can remove Veils from our heads,
Sonia Kanclerski, Pause-café chez Sonia, Welcome, Stranger!, December 2012.
Mankind can manage to break free
Only by the grace of this Enchanted World.
Pieces of information about the photo accompanying the post:
Author: Crusier
Shooting date: 05/06/2006
Shooting place: Rogow, Pologne.
Camera: Canon EOS 500D
Description: Sugar maple leaf (Acer saccharum).
Information: Wikipedia:Picture of the Day/21 December 2011. It is this leaf that appears in symbol on the flag of Canada and the coat of arms of Quebec.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (untransposed).
My look: The choice to highlight a tree leaf pleases me. The color scheme on the green is well done. In addition, this picture was taken in the native country of my parents, Poland; it’s a little wink.