In the various articles that I write on cultural outings, I deliver my personal thoughts and feelings on the theme raised at this event (philo café, psycho café, lecture, round table, seminar… ); this is not a summary of the event, even if ideas, thoughts, raised during the outing, that I will perhaps mention, they would probably inspire me.
A story of connection and understanding. To sit to ask for questions and try to… set to get answers is not so obvious… Ah ! The human communication: so complex sometimes 😉
What I think,
What I mean,
What I think saying,
What I say,
What you want to hear ,
What you believe in hearing,
What you hear,
What you want to understand,
What you believe in understanding,
What you understand
There are 10 possibilities that we have difficulty to communicate. But let we try anyway…
Bernard Werber, L’encyclopédie du savoir relatif et absolu, French work of the author.
(The encyclopedia of relative and absolute knowledge)
Ideas that emerge from what is written are the interest (for you) of this work. Enjoy yourselves 🙂