Puisque tu pars
Here is an article in which I share the lyrics of a song by Jean-Jacques Goldman that I particularly appreciate.
Here is an article in which I share the lyrics of a song by Jean-Jacques Goldman that I particularly appreciate.
This melody composed by Michel Legrand is among my favorites and is therefore part of my personal Pantheon.
This work is one of my favorite novels. The one that made me dream a lot as a child. On three major themes: human rights, science and humanity 😎
I’m writing my first impressions of this film right after watching it and a review with more perspective.
Table of contents ➔ Philo café Victor SchoelcherLogo source: 🔗 https://www.alderan-philo.org/cafe-philo-de-toulouse/ Theme Can the fear of death be overcome? Animation Eric Lowen, from the ALDERAN association Place The brasserie Le Déli’s in Toulouse Date and times Tuesday, November 6, 2012 from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Keywords café, debate, emotion, death, fear, philosophy, representation, suicide[…]