<span class="vcard">Sonia Kanclerski</span>
Sonia Kanclerski
Sonia Kanclerski
(62 items)



🔗 loki11. Public domain.

The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne

This work is one of my favorite novels. The one that made me dream a lot as a child. On three major themes: human rights, science and humanity 😎

Can the fear of death be overcome?

Table of contents ➔ Philo café Victor SchoelcherLogo source: 🔗 https://www.alderan-philo.org/cafe-philo-de-toulouse/ Theme Can the fear of death be overcome? Animation Eric Lowen, from the ALDERAN association Place The brasserie Le Déli’s in Toulouse Date and times Tuesday, November 6, 2012 from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Keywords café, debate, emotion, death, fear, philosophy, representation, suicide[…]